
Inside the Practice

This practice is a high tempo shooting exercise designed to improve accuracy and power. This is also an intense work out for your goalkeepers and defending players.

Coaching Pointers:
Two cones are positioned 20 yards from goal and 15 yards apart. Players are divided into four groups. Two groups with balls, stand either side of the goal. Two groups stand at each cone (as in the video above). A goalkeeper is placed in goal.

The practice starts when the first player in “group 1” passes to the first player in “group 2” and follows his pass to pressure the ball. The player in “group 2” has only “one touch” to control the ball then he must shoot at goal. It is then repeated from the other side of the goal. Play for 3 minutes then swap roles. Defenders become strikers, striker become defenders.

Focus On:
Accuracy over Power.
Reacting to rebounds.
Goalkeepers shot stopping.
Closing the Ball down quickly.
Shot Blocking.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: Penalty Area.
  • Equipment: 1 Goal, Balls, Cones, Pinnies.
  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice