"4 Chairs" Team Building Exercise.
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Inside the Team Building Exercise

This is a fun team building exercise you can do in the locker room using 4 chairs. The lesson is that each player is dependent upon one another, and no player is greater than the "Team". Start the exercise by placing 4 chairs in the center of the locker room. Have each person slowly lean backwards into the lap of the person behind them.

Once they are sitting, have each player lay back on the other players thighs. Slowly begin removing one chair at a time. After the fourth chair is removed you will see the group is still supporting each other with very little effort. If one person fails, the group will fall immediately. The coach makes the point that when one fails, we all fail as a team. Each player is dependent on his team mate in the game. If that player is having a tough day, their team mates are there for them.

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