
Inside the Practice

This practice is designed to improve each player’s ability to master the Wedge Control technique while under pressure.

Coaching Points:
Three players per grid, using one ball. The grid should be 10 yards x 20 yards. Two players are positioned at one side of the grid facing the server. The first player runs towards the server and receives a pass into feet.
The second player follows the receiver and defends behind him. The first player must redirect the ball out of their feet on their first touch and pass the ball back to the server on their second touch. After passing the ball both players return to their starting position and reverse roles. The practice is repeated with the next player. The speed of the practice should be increased gradually.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: 5 x 10 Yards
  • Equipment: Balls, Cones.
  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice