
Inside the Practice

This is a high paced defending and attacking game.
The emphasis on transitional defending from 3v2 to 2v1.

Coaching Points:
Divide your group into two teams. Set up an area approximately 15 x 8 yards. The practice begins with the team of three attacking the two defenders. The attacking team must try and run with the ball over the end line, either by passing or dribbling. Once the attacking team either; score a point, plays the ball out of bounds or is tackled, they then defend the two players. The player who defends is the player who scored a point, played the ball out of bounds or is tackled. The drill is then repeated. Change roles of groups regularly. The transition must be high paced.

The coach should emphasize the following points for the defenders:
• Keep the play in front of you.
• Slow the momentum of the attackers.
• Bend the knees and keep the body low. (don't stand tall, stand small). This position enables the legs to be "spring loaded" to change direction quickly.
• Leg position should be with one leg behind the other.
• Pivot using the back foot when changing direction from side to side.
• Keep the upper torso forward, this is crucial for changing direction from a backwards to forwards position quickly.

Knowing "When" and "When" not to tackle is a very important quality for smart defending. Good defenders will pick the right time to win the ball, knowing that the pressure is on the attacker to beat his man. Experienced defenders will look to slow down the attacker and eliminate the momentum the attacker may have. This allows time for teammates to recover back goal side of the ball.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: 10x15 yards.
  • Equipment: Balls, Cones, Pinnies.
  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice