
Inside the Practice

This exercise emphasizes the technique of “closing down the ball” when defending.

Coaching Pointers:
Divide your entire team into 4 groups of players. Place a group at each cone. Opposite each cone place a mannequin 15 yards away. Place a ball at the foot of each mannequin. The practice begins with first player in each group closing done the mannequin (as if it is an attacker). Then the next player in line repeats. This sequence is continued as the coach makes vital coaching points.

The coach should emphasize the following coaching points for the defender:
• Bend the knees and keep the body low. (don't stand tall, stand small). This position enables the legs to be "spring loaded" to change direction quickly.
• Leg position should be with one leg behind the other.
• Pivot using the back foot when changing direction from side to side.
• Keep the upper torso forward, this is crucial for changing direction from a backwards to forwards position quickly.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: 30 x 40 Yards
  • Equipment: 4 Mannequins, Balls, Cones, Pinnies.
  • Skill Level: Intermdeiate to Advanced.
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice