
Inside the Practice

This practice is designed to develop the 360 “Spin” move with the ball.

Coaching Pointers:
Divide players into fours, with one ball each. Players alternate dribbling the ball towards each other in pairs.
At the mid-point of the grid, players perform the 360 Spin move and dribble back to their starting positions. Players should accelerate after turning.

A great tip to emphasize while teaching dribbling is to encourage your players to open their hands. By relaxing the hands, the upper torso becomes loose and flexible, which lends to better upper body movement for body fakes and dipping the shoulder. Try making a fist and moving your upper body, you will notice how robotic and stiff the upper body becomes. So, keep the hands open for greater mobility.

Field Oraganization

  • Practice Area: 5 x 15 Yards
  • Equipment: Balls, Cones, Pinnies.
  • Skill Level: All Age Groups
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice