
Inside the Practice

This practice is designed to improve the technical ability of defending and explosive body movements, feints and dribbling moves.

Coaching Pointers:
Two cones should be placed approximately 10 yards apart. Two players are positioned each side of the cones. No player may cross over the imaginary line and the defender may not try to steal the ball.

The player in possession of the ball must use body feints, head fakes and a variety of dribbling moves to upset the balance of the defender. A goal is scored each time the dribbling player can lose the defender and stop the ball dead at either of the cones. The dribbling player’s knees should be bent and center of gravity low for an explosive start. If the defender does not move by using body movements, then move the ball to move the position of the defender. Once the defender is off balance the player should explode into the opposite direction. Try to face the defender at all times.

The defensive player can prevent the dribbling player from scoring a goal by placing their foot in front of the cone the player is attacking. The defender may not tackle or cross over the imaginary line. Players should alternate every 3 minutes. Score should be kept to determine winner.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: 2 cones 10 yards apart.
  • Equipment: Balls, Cones, Pinnies.
  • Skill Level: All Age Groups
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice