
Inside the Practice

This series of Dynamic stretches are known as “Pendulum Stretches”. A pendulum by its very nature swings in absolute balance, the same height to the front as to the back, the same height to the left as to the right. When working in pairs that balance must be worked upon, as the one player swings to the front, the other swings to the back, in balance. This applies to the left and right also.

Front and Rear Pendulum:
Players facing each other left hand on each other’s shoulder for support, swing to the front and then to the rear, emphasize the height must be equal. Perform 10 to the left and 10 to the right.

Left and Right Pendulum:
With the players facing each other, left hand to left hand for support, swing to the left and then to the right, emphasize the height must be equal. Perform 10 to the left and 10 to the right.

Half Pendulum:
With the players facing each other, hand to left hand for support, swing to the left and then as the leg swings to the right bend the knee up to the side. Perform 10 to the left and 10 to the right.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: 20 x 20 Yards
  • Equipment: Pinnies, Cones
  • Skill Level: All Age Groups
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice