Three Phase Warm Up.
This warm up involves three phase, Dynamic Stretching, Ball Work and Group Possession Games.
Coaching Points:
Set up three areas. One for dynamic stretching with two lines of cones and two squares approximately
15 x 15 yards. The group will alternate every few minutes between each phase. The transition must be high paced.
Dynamic Stretching Phase:
1. Arm Stretch.
2. High Kicks.
3. Knee Pulls.
4. Russian Kicks.
5. Groin stretch inside (close the gate).
6. Groin stretch outside (open the gate).
7. Side to Side Skip.
8. Backwards Skip.
9. Forward Zig Zags.
10. Rainbows.
11. Sideways In and Out.
12. Backwards Zig Zags.
Ball Work Phase:
1. Speed Passing (2-5 yards apart).
2. Volleys.
3. Headers.
Group Possession Phase:
1. Throwing Keep Away Game.
2 Teams Vs One Possession. (4v4 +4 etc.)
3 Knee Pulls.
Conclude with Sprint Work.
Field Preparation:
One Square 10 yards x 10 yards, 2 Square 15x15 yards. Cones, Balls. Pinnes.